Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Valentine's Day
This year we did valentine's day a little more low key than usual. Ryan and I love to go crazy for any type of holiday/birthday, but we toned it down a bit. So we just started the morning off with exchanging gifts, ryan got me gorgeous flowers of course, the movie "Baby Mama" (i love love love this movie!!!), and a new blue tooth because since we've been living in california I've been illegally driving while talking on the phone, yikes! This year I got ryan some scrumptious see's candy and a nice cardigan from American Apparel, unfortunately the sweater did not fit, so we had to exchange :( after presents we ate breakfast and headed over to the high school to play tennis, it's our new form of exercise and fun. We're both learning still so it's nothing intense, yet. Then we hung out around the house, ran some errands and then headed over for some dinner at a hole in the wall mexican place, pretty decent food, but not the taco shop, yum! Then we went to see "Coraline" in 3D which I really adored. It's just a really different, creative, and artistic movie. Unfortunately ryan fell asleep in the movie, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a great movie, because it really was. Anyways, i hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend! Oh yeah and my young women and I kind of pigged out with the valentine cupcakes i made and loads of other goodies and treats. they're a bad influence :(