I just ran my first half marathon on Saturday! I feel so accomplished! I've been training with friends for the past three months, and all of those 5 AM runs weekdays and Saturdays finally paid off. A group of friends and I decided to run the Santa Barbara marathon, some ran the half and the brave ones ran the full. It was a good race, hard to keep a good pace amongst all of the people, but I was happy with my time. And the

end of the race Ryan asked: "How did you feel crossing the finish line?" (expecting a very thoughtful or emotional response). I said "I was just happy to stop running." I guess that emotional and crying state will come after my actual marathon. I plan on continuing my training, and possibly gain another running mate with Ryan, and completing a marathon next year (possibly the Salt Lake marathon, but who knows?).
*not a good face in the picture, but you can tell I'm pretty tired.