Here is our sweet baby Jane Margaret. She was born on April 23rd at 12:14 AM. She weighed 8 lb 11 oz and was 21.5 inches long. She is two months old and is now finally starting to grow out of her colic (it has been rough). Motherhood so far is just like moms always say, the hardest but greatest thing you'll ever do. I have definitely grown in many ways in these few short months (especially in my patience!).
Since we are going through this renovation, we are living in a temporary apartment right now. All of my plans for her nursery have been put on hold until we can finish our home. In January we were told how long our home would take to complete and I was really disappointed to hear that I wouldn't be able to set up a nursery for her before she was born. After I got all of my pregnant emotions out, I realized how silly I was being for placing so much emphasis on not having a prepared nursery, especially since she'd be sleeping in a bassinet in our room for a few months anyway.
So since I don't have a nursery yet for her, the one we do make is going to be great. Here are some photos that are my inspiration for Jane's future room.
My current plan is to go with three main colors, which are: coral pink, mint green, and yellow. So this picture really inspires the overall color scheme for the room. I really want her room to feel happy and bright, because that's what babies are, happy and bright little angels.
I love these handmade paper flowers, but we'll see if I attempt something this crafty for her decor.
Oh Joy! always inspires me with her darling daughter Ruby's room.
Thinking about an accent wall in this color, but are accent walls even current anymore?
Another option for an accent wall, with the small triangles.
I have loads of ideas, prints, accessories, etc. that have been filed away since I found out I was pregnant. So I am hoping to that I can gather my ideas and make a beautiful nursery for Jane. I can't wait to get started, but this room is definitely a long way away from being completed (since we haven't even demoed yet) but it's fun to think about :)
As for an update on our home, we are currently getting bids from many different people, including our general contractor, electrician, framer, and tree removal. So nothing exciting happening yet, but we are slowly meeting neighbors each time we go to the house. We can't believe how friendly people in our neighborhood are. So exciting!
Have a happy Tuesday!
- Cait and Jane